Rosa María Sevilla Padrón

Sexual Grounding® Therapist

  • Psychologist
  • Junguian Therapist
  • Postural Integration and Energetic Integration Trainer
  • Sexual Grounding Therapist
  • PsychoAromatherapist
  • Jin Shin Jyutu practitioner
  • Member of ICPIT (International Council of PsychoCorporal Integration Trainers).
About 30 years of working in body psychotherapy, 20 years practicing Jungian Therapy, 18 years as Postural Integration and Energetic Integration Trainer, 15 years as Sexual Grounding Therapist . Individual and group practice.

I was already involved in SG organizational work in México for about 10-12 years. Since 2014 I’m following the Trainers route with Valquiria Martani, and as SG therapist I’m in charge of SG group therapy with the students, between the modules in Querétaro and Guadalajara México.

My motivation to work in Sexual Grounding is, to honor and serve the sexual energy that brought me here and brought to each human being to earth. I frequently say that sexuality has been the most important issue in my life, since the first day, the day I was conceived, until my last day.

La sexualidad es el tema más importante de mi vida, desde el día UNO, el día que fui concebida, hasta mi último día.
Licenciada en Psicología, Postural Integration and Energetic Integration Trainer, Sexual Grounding Therapist.