We offer the following formats, which are delivered consecutively, building on each other. If you want to find out what program is currently running or in the planning stages, please have a look at our schedule. If you would like to initiate a program in your area and cannot find it in the schedule please contact us or one of the therapists or trainers in your area.

Introductory workshop

  • open to anyone with curiosity, introducing the work and informing participants about Basic & Advanced modules
  • 3 Day workshop

Basic modules

  • in depth experiential program examining the individual, sexual development in the Oedipal triangle between the ages of 4 and 24
  • 4 modules of one week, or 6 modules of 4 days, prerequisite to the Advanced Program

Advanced modules

  • in depth experiential program examining the individual, sexual development in the oedipal triangle between the ages of 34 and 74
  • 4 modules of one week, or 6 modules of 4 days


  • participants are required to take part in a number of smaller subgroups in order to process their individual experiences in between the blocks of basic and advanced modules.

Introducing Sexual Grounding Therapy® to Professionals

  • As we can observe a convergence of methods, we are interested in the interdisciplinary exchange with other body oriented psychotherapy approaches. We offer an introductory and professional development workshops for professionals where we explain and introduce in depth the concepts, working methods and underlying motivation.

The Power of Groups

A lot of our participants, who might come from a background of individual therapy and growth, value the group setting of Sexual Grounding Therapy®, as it acts as a catalyst to quickly and effectivly engage in deep and meaningfull process, in the protected setting and hightened energetic field only groups provide.