International Foundation FSGT International Foundation FSGT The Foundation of Sexual Grounding Therapy® is by statute domiciled in Nijmegen and registered with the Chamber of Commerce for (the province of) Centraal Gelderland, under file number 09112790. The FSGT is sole proprietor with regard to Sexual Grounding Therapy® (SGT), exclusive rights apparent from Benelux, European Union (O.H.I.M.), other European Countries, International (WIPO): Norway, Russian Federation and U.S.A. The Ukraine and Switzerland (temporarily).The FSGT intends to promote the application, protection and further development of the Sexual Grounding Therapy®
In practice that means:
The education and qualification of trainers and therapists for giving Sexual Grounding Therapy® in trainings and therapeutic activities
The providing of an ethical code for working with SGT.
The protection of the by FSGT trained and qualified trainers and therapists as long as they followed the rules of the ethical code.
The support of scientific investigations and study of SGT.
The supply of supervision possibilities for trainers and therapists.
The support of publications about items connected to SGT.
The support of connections with foreign daughter organizations.
The use of all other legal tools that can support the goal of the foundation.
Protecting the Material
The SGT® Theapists work under the umbrella of the Association of Sexual Grounding Therapists and Trainers (ASGTT). The Foundation for Sexual Grounding Therapy (FSGT) is the body that owns the intellectual Property rights to SGT®. Its purpose is to protect SGT® and to further develop research and the scientific basis of SGT®.