Helena Løvendahl-Duffell

Sexual Grounding® Therapist and Trainer

Helena Løvendal-Duffell, born 1958, Denmark.
After her education she travelled extensively and spent several years living in psycho-spiritual communities. On settling in London in the early 80's, she worked as a social worker for adults with physical disabilities and later with families and children, while training as a psychotherapist.
She has been in private practice in London since 1989, and was faculty member and training therapist at The Institute of Psychosynthesis, London, 1990-96.

With her husband, Nick Duffell, in 1996 she founded The Centre For Gender Psychology offering workshops for couples and individuals with a focus on gender, identity, relationship, and sexuality. They provide trainings in these topics for professionals in UK, Europe, and Scandinavia. Through their umbrella organization, Creative Couple Work, founded in 2000, they offer specialised, post-graduate diploma training in Relationship Therapy & Coaching, as well as individual sessions and retreats for couples in search for deeper intimacy and a more fulfilling partnership. Frequent contributors to theoretical debates in the psychological press, some of their findings are documented in various papers and publications available from their web-site and in their 2002 book, “Sex, Love and the Dangers of Intimacy”, published by HarperCollins and now translated into several languages.

Helena is an accredited psychotherapist, a supervisor and free-lance trainer. Amongst the first qualified Sexual Grounding Therapists®, she has been involved in SGT Internal as SGT Trainer for many years and was appointed Head of Education in May 2013.

Helena is passionate about women and men reconnecting to their unique gender qualities, beauty and strengths, while learning to honour their differences. When not in London or working abroad, she lives with her husband and cat close to nature in the deep south of France, learning how to grow plants and vegetables and live a sustainable lifestyle.
