Who might benefit from Sexual Grounding Therapy®?

Sexual Grounding Therapy® is recommended for people who want to:

  • find sexual authenticity and freedom
  • get insights into their own physical and psychological sexual problems and learn to overcome them
  • learn how to support the sexual development of their children
  • learn to acknowledge their parents as the source of their life
  • re-programme their basic patterns about sexuality and relationships into healthy ones
  • learn to regulate themselves as mature sexual beings
  • find deep grounding in their sexuality as the source for love, stability and happiness in life
  • delve deeper into relationship
  • seek fulfilment in a monogamous relationship
  • investigate the consequences of losing a parent through divorce or death

And for professionals who want to:

  • learn how to treat sexual problems of their clients in a professional manner
  • learn how to accompany the sexual development of children they work with
  • gain clarity and a sense of boundary in direct body work, which is especially helpful when working with abuse victims
  • be stable, grounded and self-confident in their work.

Growing beyond the familiar

Sexual Grounding Therapy®, while making sexuality the central focus of the program, informs the participants on all aspects of their relational life. By decoding the underlying patterns that determine our relating in the initial parental triangle, we gain invaluable insights into "what makes us tick" in realtion to our partners, parents children and the world in general.
In this sense it is valuable to anyone with a curious determination to improve his/her sexual and relational live.